salad dressing


2 lbs salmon fillet skinned & cut in long thin strip

1 1⁄4 cups flour, divided

1 cup cornstarch, divided

1 teaspoon baking powder

2 cup club soda

1 teaspoon salt (plus seasoning of your choice)

oil (for frying)

SALADMATE honey mustard vinaigrette

Combine 1 cup flour with 1/2 cup corn startch and the rest of ing. to form a smooth runny paste. Seperately combine the rest of corn startch & flower. Dip fish in dry batter then in wet batter. Fry in heated oil. Serve with dipping sauce.

Helpful tips :
*drain on towel paper
*keep in oven on low number to keep warm & maintain crispness 
*perfect for sushi recipes.
*same batter can be used for chicken